Tongass United for YOUth
A step in the right direction.
Tongass United for YOUth (TUF) is a taskforce working to prevent youth substance misuse through the implementation of the Icelandic Prevention Model.
The Icelandic Prevention Model is not a program but a process for long term, collaborative partnerships. It is driven by recent, local data and relies on collaboration of community partners to address the local factors that place youth at elevated risk of using substances.

In the late 1990’s, Iceland had some of the highest rates of youth substance use in Europe. By addressing prevention efforts to the whole community, Iceland was able to reduce youth substance misuse significantly over time. These days, Iceland has the lowest rates of youth substance misuse in Europe.
To learn more, or find out how you can get involved, contact: [email protected].
Guiding Principles
The community is the patient.
Prevention activities are designed to enhance the social environment that youth live in.
Sustained attention as a treatment
Engage and empower community members to make practical decisions using local, high quality, accessible data and diagnostics.
Meaningful connection is a treatment.
The community embraces the school as the natural hub of the neighborhood in efforts to support children and adolescent's health, learning and life success.
Build community-specific and institution level capacity for leadership and problem solving
Researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and community members are integrated into a unified team dedicated to solving complex, real-world problems.
Match the scope of the solution to the scope of the problem.
The problem is assessed authentically and requires long-term commitment and funding to the solution in a realistic timeframe.
Ketchikan Epidemiological Profile on Substance Misuse
The Icelandic Prevention Model relies on recent, local data to understand the root causes of substance misuse in order to direct prevention activities where they will be most effective.
The Epidemiological Profile on Substance Misuse provides a detailed narrative of substance use in the community, including demographics, prevalence, and consequences related to substance misuse in the community.
If you want to learn more about this profile, contact: [email protected].