Get Involved
Give the gift that keeps on giving.
With your support we can continue to make a positive impact around health and wellness issues that affect the Ketchikan Community.
Have you seen the community gardens or attended one of our mental health trainings? Have you enjoyed community events like Fil-Am or Walk Southeast? Donations go towards supporting initiatives like these and contribute to a healthy Ketchikan!
Every dollar you donate is worth more! Donations are used as matching funds that we leverage to increase our state and federal funding, bringing more money for vital programs in Ketchikan.

Make a difference - Donate now!
Your philanthropic contribution makes it possible for KWC to continue its efforts
DonateFor check or money order send to Ketchikan Wellness Coalition. 602 Dock Street, Suite 108 Ketchikan AK, 99901.
For donations of materials or supplies please call us at 907-225-9355 to determine the best way to drop off to us.
Contributions are tax deductible
Become a Member
Members are the foundation of our Coalition.
Your membership demonstrates your commitment to KWC’s mission and values.
As a member you are investing in the sustainability of the coalition and are strengthening Ketchikan as a place that is thriving in all areas of health and wellness. You are taking ownership of the long-term projects we initiate and are motivated to make impactful change.
Individuals and businesses can become a member of the Ketchikan Wellness Coalition and actively support our efforts around wellness and health. Although membership levels may vary, the opportunities for your personal and business engagement are endless! Join us today!
Membership Levels
OUR Sponsors


Join a Taskforce
Is there an issue you care about?
Join an active Task Force and make a difference!
Task Forces meet regularly to identify and implement evidence-based initiatives that address specific issues in Ketchikan. Members come from all walks of life and include parents, educators, health professionals, government representatives, law enforcement/public safety, business owners, faith leaders, youth, and more.
Find out more about each Task Force and how to join their efforts by clicking their image.

Have an issue that isn't being addressed by a current Task Force?
We support community led action! If you’ve identified an issue or need that isn’t being addressed in Ketchikan but would positively impact the health and wellness of our community you can initiate a new Task Force.
Ketchikan Wellness Coalition is an umbrella organization that is able to provide guidance, input, marketing support, and fiscal management to help groups take action on the issues they care about. Contact us to find out how we can support you!
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Click HereJoin our Board
Use your knowledge and skills to become a leader in overseeing health and wellness activities throughout Ketchikan. Since 2009, KWC has served as the primary organization that encompasses a coalition model to collaborate and achieve greater success.
We need motivated, diverse, and dynamic individuals who bring innovative ideas, create collaborative relationships, support impactful initiatives, and whose community interactions reflect KWC’s core values and vision. From retired grassroots organizers to entrepreneurs or business owners we value all knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Make a difference - apply today!
Utilize your skills and experience to help us achieve our mission!
Board Application