What is a Coalition

“An alliance for combined action”

The Ketchikan Wellness Coalition is made up of a group of individuals, organizations, businesses, local government, and service representatives that work together for solutions to issues affecting our community. Through member collaboration we have high impact on issues that matter to Ketchikan!

Our Task forces

A Task Force is a collaborative group of individuals, organizations, and local governments working towards solutions for critical issues in Ketchikan.

Reducing Stigma
Preventing Suicide

We work to improve the mental wellbeing of Ketchikan residents, reduce the stigma of mental health challenges, and ultimately reduce suicide.

Improving Nutrition
Increasing Activity

We partner to create a healthier community. We focus on healthy eating, increasing fitness, and supporting family activities.

Breaking Barriers
Reducing Recidivism

We seek to build a safer community by supporting reentrants, raising awareness of the barriers they face, and reducing stigma.

Preventing Substance Use in Youth

We prevent alcohol and substance misuse among youth and adults through Prevention, Intervention, Education, Recovery, Support.

Reducing Stigma
Preventing Suicide

We work to improve the mental wellbeing of Ketchikan residents, reduce the stigma of mental health challenges, and ultimately reduce suicide.

Improving Nutrition
Increasing Activity

We partner to create a healthier community. We focus on healthy eating, increasing fitness, and supporting family activities.

Breaking Barriers
Reducing Recidivism

We seek to build a safer community by supporting reentrants, raising awareness of the barriers they face, and reducing stigma.

Preventing Substance Use in Youth

We prevent alcohol and substance misuse among youth and adults through Prevention, Intervention, Education, Recovery, Support.

Building Literacy
Supporting Families

We are increasing literacy and the love of reading in our children. We encourage family engagement to build life long readers.

Reducing Waste
Creating Solutions

We are focused on increasing eco-friendly and sustainable waste practices. We advocate and educate for a cleaner waste stream.

Sharing Culture
Building Community

Building social justice and understanding among the different cultural, ethnic, and social groups within our community.

what we are up to

Share Your Recipe

Be part of the 2nd edition Plating Up the Tongass Cookbook ! Submit your recipe that features a local ingredient today.

Trainings, Initiatives, & Programs

Mental Health First Aid

Get certified in Mental Health First Aid! This 8- hour course will give you the tools to help a person experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis.

Narcan Training

Take this 10 minute training to learn how to save a life!  Schedule a private training or one for your group/workplace today.

Ketchikan Community Gardens

Growing gardens and gardeners! This network of gardens aims to increase food resiliency and knowledge, and showcases education workshops regularly!

Plating Up the Tongass

This popular community cookbook features more than 50 recipes with fresh and delicious culinary takes on the bountiful natural foods harvested here!


Find what you need when you need it!  A community resource program sharing vital resources for all dimensions of life.

Malasakit Matters

This monthly series is part of the Health Equity program and includes screenings, workshops, and more! See what is coming up next!

Get Involved


You can donate to a specific initiative or as a general donation. These generous donations allow us to continue doing the work we do supporting health and wellness activities.

Join a Task Force

Have an issue you care about and want to make a difference? Join an active Task Force or start your own!

Become a Member

Members are the foundation of our Coalition. Individuals and businesses can become a member of the Ketchikan Wellness Coalition and actively support our efforts around wellness and health.

Join our Board

Be a leader for the community and contribute your skills, experience, and knowledge to help us reach our strategic goals!

Are you interested in supporting our organization?

There are many ways you can support our efforts to make Ketchikan a healthy and vibrant place to live. Please complete our form and we look forward to hearing from you!

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Our Funders

Ketchikan Wellness Coalition is funded in part by grants from the City of Ketchikan, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, individuals, foundations, non-profit organizations, and other corporate sponsors in addition to two 3-year State of Alaska DHSS grants (DBHPEI 602-207-20005; Reducing Recidivism 602-240-21005) and a Federal Government (5-year Federal Drug-Free Communities support grant number SP020550).